1.1. This website is managed by LINDE STUDIO.

The company’s registered office, for the purposes of this Legal Notice, is located at Avenida de Hytasa, 10 Planta 3 Mod. 310, 41006 Seville.

The email address is

1.2. Miguel Ángel Moreno Linder is the owner of the following social media accounts of LINDE STUDIO:


1.3. The person accessing this Website (hereinafter, the User) guarantees that they have reached the minimum legal age to give consent regarding the services of the information society. Otherwise, the User must refrain from accessing this Website.

1.4. By accessing this Website, the User expressly accepts all the clauses of the legal information, the privacy policy, and this cookie policy, as well as all the specific conditions established for the use of certain services. If the User does not accept any of the mentioned clauses, they must refrain from accessing this Website.

2.1. LINDE STUDIO informs the User that this Website uses its own and third-party cookies for its operation, to analyze browsing habits, and to offer services.

2.2. Cookies are text files that are automatically stored on Users’ devices (computer, mobile, tablet, etc.) when they access certain applications and websites. They serve various purposes, such as providing certain services or storing and retrieving information about Users’ browsing habits on a website.

2.3. By accessing this Website, the User expressly agrees to the use of the cookies described here. If the User does not accept any of these cookies, they must refrain from accessing this Website.

2.4. LINDE STUDIO reserves the right to use new cookies or stop using existing ones. Therefore, it is the User’s responsibility to review them before accessing this Website.

3.1. Based on their purpose, cookies can be categorized as follows:

Technical cookies: They allow Users to navigate through a website and use the different options or services available, such as identifying the session, accessing restricted areas, submitting registration requests or participating in events, using security elements during navigation, storing content for video or audio streaming, or sharing content through social networks.
Personalization cookies: They allow Users to access a website with certain predefined general characteristics based on specific criteria of the Users’ devices, such as language, type of browser, or regional configuration.
Analytical cookies: They allow the party responsible for them to track and analyze Users’ behavior on the linked websites. The information collected through these cookies is used to measure the activity of the websites and create browsing profiles of Users, with the aim of making improvements based on the analysis of Users’ usage data.
Advertising cookies: They allow the management of advertising spaces on a website based on criteria such as edited content or the frequency with which ads are displayed.
Behavioral advertising cookies: They allow the management of advertising spaces included on a website. These cookies store information about Users’ behavior obtained through continuous observation of their browsing habits, enabling the creation of specific profiles to display advertising based on such behavior.
3.2. Based on who sends, manages, and processes the data obtained, cookies can be classified as follows:

First-party cookies: Managed by the owner of the website, in this case, LINDE STUDIO.
Third-party cookies: Managed by another entity.
3.3. Based on the duration they remain active on Users’ devices, cookies can be categorized as follows:

Session cookies: Designed to collect and store data while Users access a website.
Persistent cookies: Allow data to be stored, accessed, and processed on Users’ devices for a defined period determined by the cookie owner, ranging from a few minutes to several years.
3.4. User input cookies, authentication or identification cookies, User security cookies, multimedia player session cookies, load balancing session cookies, User interface customization cookies, or social content sharing plugin cookies are exempt from complying with Article 22.2 of the LSSI (Spanish Law on Information Society Services).

Cookies used on this Website.

4.2. Due to the characteristics of the Internet, LINDE STUDIO does not always have information about the cookies placed by third parties.

4.3. If the User detects cookies on this Website that are not described here, they should notify LINDE STUDIO as soon as possible through the “Contact” section or the designated email address:

Social media.
5.1. By accessing LINDE STUDIO’s social media accounts, the User accepts the use of cookies by those platforms according to their respective cookie policies.


Modifying cookie settings.
6.1. Users can allow, block, or delete cookies installed on their devices by configuring the options in their browsers:

Internet Explorer
LINDE STUDIO may modify this Cookie Policy based on new legislative regulations or to comply with instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency. Therefore, Users are advised to periodically visit this legal notice to stay informed about the use of cookies by the website and any potential variations over time.